AOkit BIO, an adaptive optics kit
tailored to bioimaging

Image of AOkit BIO, the adaptive optics kit
Puzzle completing icon

Add AO

to your microscope

Controllers icon

Control the PSF

of your optical setup

Software icon

Use a software

adapted to your needs


Construction of adaptive optics kit
AOKit Bio is a set of Adaptive Optics components, including a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor (among HASO family), a deformable mirror or phase modulator, as well as an adaptive optics software (SDK or software with user interface).

AOKit Bio allows you to build the adaptive optics system that best suits your individual needs.

Technology & features

With which techniques can you use it ?


Multiphoton microscopy


Light-sheet microscopy


Lattice light-sheet microscopy




STED microscopy

Various microscopy set-ups on which adaptive optics kit was implemented

Advantages of AOkit BIO


Choose your elements depending on your needs : AO loop can be integrated with different phase modulators, such as deformable mirrors or spatial light modulators (SLM)


Double the number of detected photons


Operate in both closed and open loop mode


Save time implementing your AO set-up

AOkit BIO possible components

About the software


For easy and fast implementation, we recommend using WaveTune, program controls all the elements with a simple user interface


For implementation of aberration detection methods into home-built software, we also provide WaveKit Bio, the Software Development Kit (SDK)

Laptop with software screenshot


Z stack AO-2 Photon imaging of GADGFP mouse brain slices, inhibitory neurons labelled; Courtesy of S. Imperato, L. Bourdieu (LPEM, ENS-IBENS, Imagine Optic)
Max. intensity projections of a small stack of neuronal projections at 32 µm depth imaged using image-based (3N) AOLattice Light-Sheet; Courtesy of M. Malivert (BIC)
Neuronal cells in the zebrafish at 180-300 µm depth using AO-ASLM; Courtesy of M. Mercier, W. Supatto (ISMO, LOB)

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